Every single day, many non-vegetarians all over the world are transitioning to a plant based vegetarian or vegan diet. With the increasing lifestyle diseases, people are becoming health conscious as they do not want to fall prey to the metabolic problems. Information on the internet, daily news and even some researches have mentioned meat as a major contributing factor to present day lifestyle diseases. So some people become a vegetarian and they try to influence their life partner, children and friends to follow vegetarianism too. Whereas some others are there who follow a vegan diet because of the animal cruelty, force feeding of animals, hormones and steroids given to livestock. Here, I would also like to add the opinion of certain other people, who having learnt or understood 'Modern Day' Ayurveda from Western point of view from text books written by modern medical practitioners and sources from internet such as blogs, articles, websites, face book posts, etc. believe that ...