Why have you been overweight? - Understand the reason behind it

For many of us, weight loss is a struggle and we have this unanswered question in our minds – Why even after so many workouts and diet plans, I am still weighing the same? Although I am just in the borderline overweight and neither obese nor unhealthy, this is what I hear from people - ‘’Oh you have gained weight”. People do not think that we can be fat but fit also. When we exercise and eat well, then it’s just fine, nothing to worry. Like men are crazy to have 6 packs, women desire to become size zero which is nothing but a bag of bones. 

Now days with sedentary 9 to 6 desk jobs, frequent consumption of junk / processed food, increased mental activity and lack of physical activity contribute to compromised metabolism leading to gradual weight gain. And if you are Kapha constitution, you will mostly have a large body frame and slow metabolism and hence if you are dreaming for the thin, size zero then how hard you try it is going to be only a dream and may cause increase of stress, negatively impacting your weight. Here I meant to say only about the challenge of Kapha constitution people. But if a person is Pitta or Vata dominant and they have gained weight due to improper eating habits, irregular lifestyle or emotional stress or hormonal imbalances, then with proper diet & lifestyle correction and good amount of exercise they can lose weight. However it will be a challenge to lose weight for a Kapha dominant person who already has a natural tendency to gain weight easily. Every body type / constitution has its own positive and negative traits. Being a Kapha dominant person you tend to have a strong build and excellent stamina. You are calm, compassionate, reliable, caring, steady, patient and supportive. You are great administrators and seek out competition, you are a person who never misses deadlines. 

Most of the time, wanting to have size zero comes from insecurity, social pressure, low confidence, etc. Actually, what matters is your intellect, rational thinking, performance and problem-solving skills. However, being slim / overweight is just a matter of external beauty and does not represent fitness. Also, your talents/ expertise is not judged based on it. So, to conclude opting for exercise should be done to keep you fit and not for beauty as real beauty of a person goes beyond just physical appearances, it is your personality that is noticed. Controlled eating, intake of hot and light to digest meals, parched barley, millet, green gram, horse gram, old rice, vegetables of bitter and astringent taste, avoiding daytime sleep, increasing physical activity, opting for healthy sweets like dry fruits, fruits, cane sugar and avoiding refined sugar, cold food and drinks and fatty foods will help in maintaining good health if you are overweight or obese. 


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