Is your expensive eye cosmetic more worthy than your eye health? Don’t buy beauty at health cost!

Women are born pretty, yet they try to compete with each other to be the prettiest and pressurised to spend countless hours to get their faces painted with light / heavy makeup considering the world of beauty we are living from trying out new smoky eyes or new lipsticks. Especially because of the compulsory use of masks during Covid 19, increased sale of eye cosmetics are noted compared to the sale of lipsticks. Women try to find endless ways wanting to wear best eye makeup to achieve big, bold, gorgeous eyes. But the simple, minimal and natural look with Kajal makes the eyes beautiful and benefits the organ too. Whereas the commonly used eye cosmetics with all harmful ingredients gives only a dramatic look to your eyes and may not highlight your natural beauty. Natural kajal is always better and fashionable and glamour styles usually don’t last forever, also they come with health and safety risks. Although many of us know the fact that make up can harm our health, stylecraze in transforming your eyes into reckless eyes, resists us from using natural Kajal as it may not give rich pigmentation that we are expecting. So never it is too late. Just approach eye beauty a little differently with natural kajal and enjoy the added advantage of health benefits. Millions of women use eye makeup everyday without knowing the health risks. Even the costliest eye makeup which we might think as safe is a risk fad more than a bright idea. Applying eye make up in the lash line or waterline can cause makeup migration into the eyes and can lead to residue build ups causing serious damage to the eyes over a period of time leading to eye infections, irritation, blurred vision, etc.

Eye is the most important of all the sense organs. Eyes are like sun amongst the heavenly bodies covered with clouds and mist. Eyes are compared to the sun because of vision – the ability to perceive objects, shapes and colors is only possible due to the predominance of Tejas or the element of fire in the eyes. Kajal is useful for the eyes as it improves vision. With regular use of Kajal, eyes become spotlessly bright like the moon in the clear sky. Now days, pesky pollution and prolonged use of computer / mobile causes eye problems like infections, strain to the eyes and increased dryness. Application of Kajal is soothing to the eyes and causes lacrimation thereby reducing dryness and removing dirt from eyes.

How to prepare Kajal at home? In a small steel / brass cup or diya (Indian oil lamp), pour 50 ml of castor oil or ghee (clarified butter). Make a cotton wick and place it in the cup and light it. Now cover the flame with another cup to collect the fumes. While covering it make sure that vacuum is not created and there is sufficient gap for oxygen otherwise the flame will be put off. After 10 – 15 minutes, remove the cup which was used for covering and you can see black carbon collected in it. Mix this will sufficient ghee and remove it with a clean spoon and store it in a moist - free, airtight container. Take a sufficient amount of this in ring finger / pinky / Anjana shalaka (metal rod used for application of collyrium) and apply it gently in the inner side of the lower eyelids. 

When Kajal is prepared with castor oil it is good for removing dirt from the eyes and when it is prepared with ghee it is soothing and helps in dry eyes. 


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