How to make the natural probiotics yoghurt and buttermilk at home?

With increasing stress, irregular eating habits, excess travel, increased use of antibiotics, high intake of processed food and GMO food, alcohol, pollution disrupt the gut flora. Yoghurt is a natural probiotic for good health and hence can be taken daily. In fermented products like yoghurt and buttermilk, most of the lactose is converted to lactic acid or acetic acid by the enzymes found in the fermenting bacteria, hence these are not only easy to digest  but render health benefits too. Yoghurt contains different strains of lactobacillus. Some specific strains of beneficial bacteria when introduced in the form of probiotics helps restore imbalanced bacterial environment and alleviate many symptoms associated with it. So use of yoghurt and buttermilk gives same benefits similar to probiotics over intestinal flora. 

How to make Yoghurt at home? – Yoghurt is made through fermentation of milk by adding a few drops of yoghurt / buttermilk. Boil milk and when it is lukewarm (not cold not hot) take 4 cups of milk and add 2 tsp Yoghurt (from previous yoghurt / commercial yoghurt). Stir gently and cover with a lid and leave it undisturbed for 8 to 10 hours. In winters, wrap some woolen cloth around the vessel and keep it in a warm place. In summers or warm weather, no wrap is needed. Yoghurt once prepared is good for consumption when it is fresh or you can refrigerate it and consume within 24 – 48 hours. Make sure to keep it out of the refrigerator and let it cool down to room temperature before consumption. Also it should be taken in the daytime and avoid consuming it at night. If yoghurt becomes sour it is not good for consumption. 

How to make buttermilk? – Buttermilk is nothing but churned yoghurt. Add half the quantity of water to yoghurt and churn well. 

Milk when curdled to yoghurt it becomes a probiotic rich food. It replenishes friendly bacteria in the gut flora. So when it is so simple to prepare and consume yoghurt which is a natural probiotic, why the need to buy probiotic supplements?


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