Suffering from cracked heels or dryness of feet? - Try this

For most people having cracked heels, what bothers them is just the appearance, whereas some people experience discomfort or even pain if the cracks in the heels become deep. Cracked heels occur due to excessive dryness caused due to insufficient moisture of the skin, dehydration or less intake of water. Taking care of your feet is particularly necessary in damp or cold weather or when the humidity is low. 

How do you get cracked heels? Because of the above said reasons one may develop cracks in the heel. First sign of cracked heel is thickened, dry skin (calluses) around the rim of heels. Over the period of time, fat pad around heels expand causing calluses to crack. Cracked heels can cause pain, itching, flaky skin, ulceration or bleeding. Just paying a little attention to your feet daily will help. A daily regimen of cleaning and moisturizing your feet will help restore skin moisture, make the feet soft and smooth. 

  • Moisturizing the feet - Wash your feet daily night, pat dry and apply sesame oil or coconut oil gently over the soles of the feet. This helps your skin to retain moisture thereby helping in cracked heel. Another added advantage is that it will help in enhanced sleep too. 

  • Use Honey & Exfoliate - Exfoliate your feet regularly, say once or twice a week with a pumice stone or foot scrub. You may apply honey on the heels before using foot scrub as honey has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, it will help heal and cleanse cracks on the heel and moisturize the skin.  

  • Foot bath - Soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water added with rock salt. Do this once a week.

  • Triphala Wash - To fight fungal infection of the feet, boil 10 gm Triphala (Three fruits – Haritaki, Bibitaki and Amalai) or Neem leaves in 1 liter water for 15 minutes on moderate flame. Once the water cools down to lukewarm temperature, filter and use it to wash your feet. Alternatively you may also immerse your feet in this water for 10 minutes. 

  • Choose the right footwear - It is important to avoid shoes that do not fit properly. Use shoes with wide heel that cushions and supports heels, Alternatively you can use shoe inserts to cushion your heel. Avoid tight shoes, skinny high heel, open back shoes, flip flops and sandals as they tend to dry out the feet.

  • Use cotton socks & make sure to wash the socks everyday.

  • Do not walk barefoot.

  • Avoid long stationary standing.

  • Stay away from damp places - Do not stand with bare foot on wet land or water for a longer period of time. 

  • Avoid harsh soaps - Skin moisture will be decreased and dryness will increase upon using harsh soaps.

  • Make sure you drink enough water, say about 2 to 2.5 liters a day. 

Practice proper foot care for the cracks to heal. Although immediate improvement can be noticed when you follow the above tips, it may take several days or weeks for cracks to heal thoroughly. 


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