Hypothyroidism is a commonly prevailing disorder. This clinical syndrome results from deficiency of thyroid hormones due to their insufficient synthesis that results in generalized slowing down of metabolic process. According to Ayurveda, hypothyroidism occurs due to dysfunction of Agni (Digestive & Metabolic fire). Ayurveda offers safe and effective treatment which not only relieves symptoms but increases the sense of wellbeing. Irregular eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and increased stress has resulted in various metabolic disorders. Hypothyroidism is known as silent disease as that often remains undiagnosed or mis-diagnosed. Levothyroxine is the drug of choice to treat hypothyroidism but it has to be taken life-long and has certain side effects too. It may lead to dyslipidemia and progression of CVD. Though names of many present-day diseases are not mentioned in Ayurveda text books, successful management is possible by applying Ayurveda principles. Acharya Charaka has mentioned that it is not necessary to name a disease but what is more important is to understand the possible pathogenesis and the Doshas and other factors involved in the causation of the disease. Main function of thyroxine is to stimulate basal metabolic rate. As thyroxine acts as a catalyst for maintenance of cellular oxidative process, hence has a profound influence on tissue metabolism all over the body. In Ayurveda terms, Agni is said to exert these functions. Thus, we can say that pathogenesis and manifestations of hypothyroidism occurs due to dysfunction of Agni.

Causative factors

  •  Improper diet – Excess intake of heavy to digest, cold food and drinks, sweet taste, saturated fat.
  • Sedentary Lifestyle – Lack of physical activity, sleeping immediately after meals, sleeping during daytime.

The above diet and lifestyle are very common now a days. This leads to aggravation of Kapha which inturn impairs Agni (Digestive and Metabolic fire) and leads to Ama (Metabolic toxin) formation. As the tissue metabolism is affected, it affects the formation of different tissues in the body and also alters the metabolic activity. Thus, leading to symptoms of hypothyroidism followed by complications like obesity. According to Ayurveda, hypothyroid is a chronic ailment and as Dhatu Agni or tissue metabolism cannot be corrected easily it takes time to reverse pathological changes that take place due to hypothyroidism.


Ayurvedic management


Ayurveda treatment plan is aimed at reducing Kapha and Vata Dosha and balancing Agni (Digestive & Metabolic fire).


Nidana Parivarjana – Nidana means cause and Parivarjana means avoidance. The first line of treatment for any disease in Ayurveda is to avoid indulging in the causative factor of the disease.


Samshodhana Chikitsa – Vamana for Kapha imbalance, Virechana and Basti for Agni correction and to help in dyslipidemia and obesity.


Samshamana Chikitsa – Herbs that balance Kapha & Vata Dosha, correct the imbalance in the digestive and metabolic fire, have carminative, digestive properties, help to scrape out endotoxins from the body thereby clearing obstruction in the circulatory channels, improve metabolism and regulate downward movement of Vata Dosha help in hypothyroism.

  • Adaptogen herbs – Brahmi and Ashwagandha help to improve stress tolerance and restore hormonal balance.
  • Immunity enhancing herbs like Guduchi helps in hypothyroid.
  • Kanchanara plays an important role in regulating thyroid function.
  • Guggulu – It helps in tissue metabolism, helps in dyslipidemia and high cholesterol, stimulates thyroid and supports healthy thyroid function. It reduces Kapha Dosha and fat tissue.
  • Pippali – Increases selenium absorption, the deficiency of which can impair thyroid function.
  • Trikatu – To correct dysfunction of Agni
  • Triphala – Corrects sluggish metabolism and cleanses obstruction in channels of circulation, reduces cholesterol and lipid levels.
  • Punarnava – Diuretic to treat swelling which is one of the common symptoms of hypothyroid. 

Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Reduce intake of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, soybean, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes, mustard, maize, caffeine, smoking. 
  • Take high fiber and low-calorie diet.
  • Reduce salt intake, prefer to use Himalayan rock salt. 
  • Reduce excess intake of heavy to digest food, fried food, high sugar. 
  • Use coconut oil or any unrefined oil for cooking.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Regular aerobic exercise stimulates thyroid gland secretion.
  • Physical and emotional stress should be reduced.
  • Yogasana like Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana are good for thyroid related problems. Ujjayi Pranayama stimulates the activity of thyroid gland. Anuloma-viloma and Kapalabati are useful to increase metabolic rate.
Thus, a multifactorial and holistic Ayurvedic approach can successfully help manage hypothyroidism that is Diet, lifestyle, herbs, therapies and Yoga help to normalize thyroid function. 


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