As we know food is the first medicine. Taste of food items owing to its properties is the driving parameter behind the goodness or badness of food. Ayurveda considers the use of single taste as unhealthy. One should eat all the six tastes in meal as they possess innate counterbalancing properties. Although different tastes have different properties & give us health benefits, excess consumption of single taste can cause adverse effects.

  •      Sweet taste is cool and moist in nature and is a moisturizing and tonic. It increases Kapha dosha whereas decreases Vata and Pitta dosha. It is present in sugars, milk, most grains especially rice and wheat, many legumes like beans and lentils, ripe fruits and vegetables like carrot, beetroot, and sweet potatoes naturally increases bulk, moisture and weight in the body. It relieves thirst and soothes mucous membranes and has beneficial effect on skin, hair, voice, etc. However if consumed in excess it can increase Kapha dosha leading to dullness, eczema, lethargy, diabetes, obesity, etc.
  •      Sour being hot and moist in nature is a carminative and appetizer. It increases Pitta and Kapha dosha but decreases Vata dosha. It is commonly found in citrus fruits, sour milk products like cheese, yoghurt and fermented food like wine, vinegar, pickle, etc. When used in moderation, it stimulates digestion, helps in circulation, and energizes the body. But when consumed in excess it can cause inflammations, boils, skin diseases, etc.
  •      Saline taste is also hot and moist in nature and is a digestive, appetizer and emetic. It increases Pitta and Kapha dosha but decreases Vata dosha. It is found in all types of salt – table salt, black salt, sea salt, rock salt. Salt improves taste of food, rekindles digestion, maintains mineral balance and liquefies mucus. However when used in excess it will cause hair fall, early graying of hairs, water retention, obesity, hypertension, etc.
  •     Pungent taste is hot and dry in nature and is a stimulant, bronchodilator and carminative. It increases Pitta and Vata dosha and decreases Kapha dosha. It is found in chili peppers, garlic, onions, ginger, black pepper, etc. In small amounts it stimulates taste and digestion, dispels gas, improves metabolism and relieves pain. But in excess it may cause skin problems and Pitta vitiation in the body.
  •        Bitter taste is cooling and drying in nature and is blood purifier and skin cleanser. It increases Vata dosha but decreases Pitta and Kapha. It is found in many food articles like turmeric, neem, fenugreek, olives, bitter melon, etc. Not many people relish bitter taste but it has many healing benefits as it is detoxifying and has anti-microbial properties. It helps reduce fat and has healing properties hence used in fever, skin problems and burning sensation. But when used in excess it may decrease Pitta and Kapha and increase Vata in excess.
  •      Astringent is anti-diarrhoeal and helps in preventing or reducing wrinkles. It is cool and drying in nature. It increases Vata dosha but decreases Pitta and Kapha dosha. It is least common of all the tastes and is prominent in legumes, unripe fruits, coffee. When used in excess it may cause increased thirst and discomfort.

Taste is one of the unique concepts of Ayurveda which is of great clinical significance in preventive and curative aspects.


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