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Hypothyroidism is a commonly prevailing disorder. This clinical syndrome results from deficiency of thyroid hormones due to their insufficient synthesis that results in generalized slowing down of  metabolic process. According to Ayurveda, hypothyroidism occurs due to dysfunction of Agni (Digestive & Metabolic fire). Ayurveda offers safe and effective treatment which not only relieves symptoms but increases the sense of wellbeing. Irregular eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and increased stress has resulted in various metabolic disorders. Hypothyroidism is known as silent disease as that often remains undiagnosed or mis-diagnosed. Levothyroxine is the drug of choice to treat hypothyroidism but it has to be taken life-long and has certain side effects too. It may lead to dyslipidemia and progression of CVD. Though names of many present-day diseases are not mentioned in Ayurveda text books, successful management is possible by applying Ayurveda principles. Achar


As we know food is the first medicine. Taste of food items owing to its properties is the driving parameter behind the goodness or badness of food. Ayurveda considers the use of single taste as unhealthy. One should eat all the six tastes in meal as they possess innate counterbalancing properties. Although different tastes have different properties & give us health benefits, excess consumption of single taste can cause adverse effects.      Sweet taste is cool and moist in nature and is a moisturizing and tonic. It increases Kapha dosha whereas decreases Vata and Pitta dosha. It is present in sugars, milk, most grains especially rice and wheat, many legumes like beans and lentils, ripe fruits and vegetables like carrot, beetroot, and sweet potatoes naturally increases bulk, moisture and weight in the body. It relieves thirst and soothes mucous membranes and has beneficial effect on skin, hair, voice, etc. However if consumed in excess it can increase Kapha dosha leading to dullne


Ayurveda can make you understand how to make your long distance relationship successful and last long. Long distance relationships are more prevalent now a days especially in youngsters – college going students, job goers, military personnel. Not all long distance relationships are romantic. Many students go away to study abroad so their relation with their family and friends become long distance. Because of communication restrictions controlled by military regulations, partners of military personnel deployed abroad experience significant amount of stress and makes them feel lonely back at home.  Unlike normal relationships where you happen to live with the person or meet the person, there is lack of face to face contact in a long distance relationship due to geographical separation which could lead to lot of misunderstandings or problems very easily. Long distance relationship can be challenging – keeping a long distance relationship healthy, happy and mutually fulfilling takes commit


Sinusitis is mostly caused by virus and sometimes by bacteria. However anything that enters the nose and permeates into the sinus will cause sinusitis. Adverse weather condition, toxic pollutants, cotton dust, chemicals, gas, smoke, dust, paint fumes, cement, caustic dust, pesticides, air pollution, automobile exhaust, perfumes, cigarette smoke, pollens, moulds, pet dander are the common causes of sinusitis. It has become a common problem now-a-days because of the increased pollution and drastic climatic variations. People with respiratory allergies, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum and low immunity are prone to sinus irritation easily.    Exposure to causative / triggering factors causes inflammation in the lining of sinuses, hence sinus cavity fills up with fluid and becomes blocked and is prone to infection. Lack of moisture in the air (Cold & Dry air or Hot dry air) dries out the nasal membrane thereby drying up mucus. The mucus gets thickened and clogs the sinus thereby pro


Hypertension is a common disease in the present era which has a multifactorial origin. Development of hypertension more depends on environmental factors. Our blood pressure responds to everyday diet, sleep, exercise, work and stress sensitively. So one should stay optimistic as this is a good news, making changes in one’s diet & lifestyle will enormously help in preventing hypertension or reducing blood pressure if a person is suffering from hypertension. Often known as the silent killer because it is asymptomatic and the condition can go unnoticed for many years, it is a dangerous disease which can cause multiple complications affecting / damaging different organs if not diagnosed & treated on time. Anti-hypertensive drugs only lower high blood pressure but do not eradicate the risk of secondary disease. Also they are not free from untoward effect. However Ayurveda has a holistic approach which helps minimize the risk factors in a better way.    Making Healthy Diet & Lifes