Everyone loses hair all the time, may be upto 100 strands a day. They fall out, then grow back again. Thus the cycle continues. Eventually, most guys will start to notice that they are only losing more and more hair gradually whereas there is no new growth and over the period of time the scalp becomes visible. Almost all men and women notice hair loss as we age, it is something we worry about. Baldness is quite common by the time one turns 30. Baldness is a distressing experience which also lowers self-esteem and is psychosocially damaging. Baldness can also lead to depression, anxiety, social phobia, etc. because the prolonged treatment, its limited effectiveness and the psychological consequences resulting from treatment itself impact one’s psychological well-being. 


Three things that tell you are going bald -

  • Excessive hair fall / shedding of hair
  • Receding hairline
  • Noticeably visible scalp


Factors that cause / accelerate baldness – 

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Drugs – Blood thinners, birth control pills, antidepressants trigger hair fall
  • Hair Appliances – Blow dry, Iron, other devices that apply heat to hair.
  • Major stress
  • Poor nutrition – not taking the right food 
  • Underlying medical condition – Thyroid, autoimmune problems, iron deficiency, etc. 
  • Medications or Major surgery – Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, etc. 


Factors like age and genetics cannot be changed whereas diet, lifestyle and stress management are the things we have control over. 


Solution to male pattern baldness will not only lessen anxiety but prove financially advantageous to people. Few available treatment options have limited effectiveness. They only halt the process but does not offer a permanent solution. Hair transplantation can be painful and expensive, also there is risk of scarring and infection. Due to these reasons, people are looking for a safe alternate method for baldness. 


Key nutrients necessary to treat Baldness


·      Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B7 or Biotin, B9 or Folate) helps create RBC which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles which is important for hair growth. Vitamin B7 or Biotin is a well-known vitamin for hair health which is also essential for production of a hair protein called Keratin.

·      Vitamin A helps skin glands produce sebum which is an oily substance that helps moisturize the scalp to keep hair healthy, also speeds up hair growth, enhances the growth of thicker hair and prevents other hair follicles from falling away. 

·      Vitamin C promotes collagen production and iron absorption, the two factors that help strengthen hair strands. It is a strong antioxidant which protects hair strands against oxidative stress that occurs when free radicals overwhelm the body’s defence system. 

·      Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. It protects the skin on scalp from oxidative stress and damage. 

·      Antioxidants protect hair follicles against damage from harmful molecules called free radicals. These molecules exist naturally in the body and environment. 

·      Collagen is a protein that helps strengthen hairs to prevent it from becoming brittle and breaking. 

·      Iron helps RBC carry oxygen throughout the body to fuel our metabolism and aid hair growth and repair. 

·      Zinc is a mineral that supports hair growth and repair cycle.

·      Omega 3 fatty acid is an antioxidant that reduces hair loss and increases hair density.

·      EFA is crucial for hair growth.

·      Protein is important for hair growth as hair follicles are made of mostly protein. 


Fix your baldness with these simple solutions


Foods that help

Lifestyle recommended

o   Spinach has folate, iron, Vitamin A & C.

o   Eggs are rich in protein, biotin, zinc and selenium

o   Berries are rich in Vitamin C, beneficial compounds and vitamins. Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C.

o   Oysters are rich in Zinc. 

o   Sweet peppers are rich in Vitamin A & C

o   All the seeds are rich in Vitamin E, zinc, selenium. Flaxseeds and chia seeds are rich in Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, omega 3 fatty acids. 

o   Nuts are rich in Vitamin B, zinc and EFA.

o   Avocado is rich in Vitamin E

o   Sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene (Beta-carotene is converted into Vitamin A by our body)

o   Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel have omega 3 fatty acid, protein, selenium, Vitamin D3, B Vitamins.


o   Gentle scalp massage with warm coconut or sesame oil every alternate day at night.

o   Use mild shampoos or baby shampoos for washing hair. Avoid using shampoo daily, you may use them twice or thrice a week. 

o   Gently wash your hairs 

o   Avoid brushing wet hair

o   Use wide toothed comb.

o   Brush your hairs gently

o   Keep away from chemicals 

o   Keep scalp sweat free

o   Protect hair from sunlight and other sources of UV light.

o   Avoid harsh treatments such as hot rollers, curling irons, hot oil and permanents.

o   Avoid tight hairstyles such as braids, bums or ponytails.

o   Avoid compulsive rubbing of your hairs. 

o   Increase physical activity

o   De-stress

o   Reduce alcohol

o   Quit smoking


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