Use of Barley in Metabolic Problems

Barley, a primary cereal grain has been cultivated since time immemorial. In present day lifestyle problems, the use of barley will be more beneficial. The use of barley as a food grain or as medicine, both internally and externally has been explained in Ayurveda texts. Some easy to make Barley preparations explained in Ayurveda texts for management of metabolic problems has been summarised below. 

u Barley Water - In a cup of warm water, add 2 tsp of roasted barley powder, mix well and drink. To make it tasty, you can also squeeze half a lemon and enjoy. 

u Barley buttermilk – In a kadai, add 2 to 3 pinches of asafoetida, ½ tsp of cumin seeds and ½ tsp of mustard seeds and dry roast it for approx. 60 seconds. Now take a glass of low-fat buttermilk, add the roasted spices, 2 tsp of roasted barley powder, mix well and consume.

u Barley - Triphala decoction - Boil a cup of water, add 1 tsp Triphala powder and continue boiling until the entire quantity reduces to one-fourth. Now add 1 tsp of barley grains in it, cover with a lid and leave it overnight. Next morning, filter the contents and consume the liquid portion. 

u Barley porridge - Soak 1/4 cup of barley grains in one cup of water overnight. Next morning, discard the water, wash the barley grains in fresh water few times and add 2 cups of fresh water, ½ tsp of fenugreek seeds, ¼ tsp of curcuma powder and cook it in a saucepan / open vessel until barley is well cooked. You can consume it with cooked vegetables or low-fat buttermilk. 

u Barley soup – Soak 2 tbsp each of barley grains, horse gram and green gram in water overnight. Next morning, discard the water, wash the grain and pulses in fresh water. Transfer it to a open vessel. Now add 3 cups of water, ¼ tsp grated fresh ginger and cook on medium flame until well cooked. Then add 2 tbsp of fresh pomegranate juice or Amalaki juice, ¼ tsp of black pepper powder, mix well and consume. 

Use of barley in external therapies 

u A mix of coarse powders of barley, millet and horse gram are used in Ruksha Udwartana(Dry powder massage) therapy. In this therapy, dry powders are rubbed and scrubbed on the body in circular motion or upward direction, especially on fat accumulated areas to help metabolize the stored fat. 

u In Upanaha Swedana (hot poultice), a type of fomentation procedure barley mixed with dry ginger, long pepper, curcuma and warm water is applied on the painful joint and a cloth bandage is applied. This bandage is removed after 5 to 6 hours. This procedure has anti-inflammatory effect because of its vasodilatation property. 

Ayurvedic Properties of barley

According to Ayurveda, Barley is astringent, bitter and sweet in taste. It is heavy to digest, increases dryness and mobility in the body. It increases Vata Dosha in the body and decreases Kapha and Pitta. 

Because of its drying property, it helps to dry up excess moisture from the body, hence beneficial in metabolic problems such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. Habitual consumption of barley is recommended for people suffering from metabolic problems as they tend to suffer from over nutrition and they have high appetite. Barley being fulfilling, satisfies the hunger but its non-nourishing property helps to boost metabolism by scrapping out excess fat from the tissues. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of barley makes it a good choice for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, anaemia, essential hypertension. 

 Health benefits of barley 

u Improves digestion

u Regulates bowel movement

u Supports immune system

u Metabolizes fat 

u Improves the functioning of different organ systems in the body. 

u Helps build healthy bones and muscles. 

u Provides greater satiety, hence helps control excess appetite / food cravings

Who should take barley?

Barley should be a part of one’s diet as it helps to improve health and prevent lifestyle problems. There are different forms of barley available – hulled barley, pearl barley, barley flakes, barley flour. Among these hulled barley has high nutritional value. However as barley has gluten, people suffering from gluten intolerance should avoid it. Also people suffering from gas, bloating should consume barley with addition of ghee in good amounts. Pregnant ladies and emaciated people should take barley in very less quantities.  



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