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Ayurveda is an ancient science which deals with health promotion, disease prevention and treatment as well. Ayurveda can be used to improve the performance of a sportsperson as well as to treat sports injuries. Following the daily and seasonal regimen mentioned in Ayurveda texts, practicing daily exercise according to one’s capacity, undergoing seasonal Panchakarma therapies and intake of suitable food according to one’s body type and regulated sleep will not only help to maintain the health of a sportsperson but improve his performance too. Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial in Sports injuries and it involves the administration of internal medicines, suitable diet and external therapies to alleviate pain, decrease disability, improve function of affected part and strengthen the body.Internal herbal supplements, which are health promoting, rejuvenating and strengthening the body are beneficial to improve physical strength of an athlete. Also many external therap


The Ayurvedic concept of mind is both broad and illuminating. A peculiarity is that is in contrast to the nature of the physical constitution (deha prakrti), the mental nature (manas prakrti) can be altered through action / procedure that alters the original or imbibes new qualities in an entity. Innumerable variations of manasik prakruti are possible because of the countless permutations and combinations of the proportionate influence of the sattva-raja-tama, at the time of conception. However, depending on the major contributing factor, the manasik prakruti is classified as sattvik prakruti, rajasik prakruti and tamasik prakruti. These are further classified into various subtypes. Though it is difficult to accurately assess one’s manasik prakruti, the following guidelines are handy. The ‘Sattvika’ types are clean in character, have tremendous self-control, always live by their word and have sharing nature. They are end


Botanical Name : Ocimum sanctum Family : Lamiaceae Common Names : Sacred basil / Holy basil Sanskrti name : Surasa Part Used : Leaves, roots, Seeds Location/Cultivation and types - Holy basil is found throughout the lowlands of India as well as in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, southern China, Thailand, and Malaysia. There are three types of Tulsi plants available Rama tulsi (Bears small green leaves), Krishna tulsi (Bears dark green to Purple leaves and has a strong taste and smell) and Vanatulsi (Bears large green leaves and is the wild variety growing in forests). Chemical constituents or active compounds - Tulsi contains chemical compounds such as eugenol, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, chlorophyll, caryophyllene, oleanolic acid and linolenic acid. Nutritional compounds found in tulsi include vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron and zinc. Properties - Adaptogen, antibacterial, antidepressant, antioxidant, antiviral, ca


Ayurvedic treatments, dietary changes and lifestyle modification appear to work by strengthening the walls of veins and other vessels. They primarily relieve symptoms of aching, heaviness, and swelling in the legs and ankles. The main line of treatment is to pacify aggravated Vata ana Pitta dosha and Rakta dhatu (blood tissue). Ayurvedic treatments include internal herbal health supplements and external treatment procedures. Ayurvedic herbal health supplements for internal use Ayurvedic herbal health supplements helps to maintain healthy lifestyle, reduces the pressure effects, relives pain and inflammation, and maintains normal tone of venous walls and their functions. Ø   Common herbal preparations which are effective in varicose veins are Triphala guggulu, Punarnavadi guggulu, Chandraprabha vati, Manjishtadi vati, Arogyavardhini vati. Ø   Other herbs which can be used are Pure Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Kanchanara (Bauhi