

Vision is the priceless gift from God, blessing us to enjoy the beauty of this world. Eyes, being the most delicate organ in the human body, need special care. Today, millions of people in our country are deprived of God-given gift of vision. Unfortunately, many people do not take good care of their eyes. In course of time they do harm to their eyes due to carelessness and by not taking necessary steps to protect the eyesight, eventually leading to fatal damages. Ayurvedic ophthalmology or 'Netra Chikitsa' as it is known is a well-documented branch of Ayurveda, the ancient holistic medical science. Today's life style and work atmosphere along with the use of modern appliances and gadgets for work and entertainment, like televisions and computers are taking a heavy toll on the general health and well being of eyes. People tend to forget that eyes too need exercise as well as rest for its proper functioning. Working for continuous long hours before computer or watch


Shirodhara is commonly called as the third eye treatment. Shirodhara is a special treatment, where medicated oil is poured on the forehead and head in a systematic manner. This is said to cure psychiatric and neurological ailments. After a head massage, the soothing and fragrant oils flow in a continuous, rhythmic stream for approximately 30 minutes over the forehead with the patient in the lying position. Mode of action - As the oil strokes the third eye, it has a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain, stimulating the endocrine system, the pituitary and pineal glands (relieves hormonal upsets) and pleasure neurotransmitters (relieves fear, trauma or emotional insecurity). The procedure is also said to synchronize alpha brain waves, enhancing blood circulation to the brain, improving mental clarity and generally releasing deeply trapped toxins (called ama in ayurveda). It releases serotonin and encourages a balance of mind body & spirit.


Stress build-up in our brain can lower our immunity, increases our susceptibility to diseases, increases the levels of blood cholesterol and other lipids, exacerbates pain and increases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. Ayurveda advises us to follow Achara Rasayana (Code of good conduct) for a healthy and happy life. Effective management of stress is a way to healthy mental and physical health. One has to make changes in his daily routine and find time to practice the following Ayurvedic advises. 1. A night bath in warm water aids a good night and restful sleep. 2. Ritucharya (Seasonal regimen) – Our individual nature must also flow in harmony with nature and natural cycles of life. As the leaves and the trees change color in the fall and birds migrate to South in winters, they are innate organic calls to maintain balance. Simple seasonal adjustments to our routine play a critical role in maintaining health. 3. Exercise - Exercise is not only good


Ayurveda is an ancient science which deals with health promotion, disease prevention and treatment as well. Ayurveda can be used to improve the performance of a sportsperson as well as to treat sports injuries. Following the daily and seasonal regimen mentioned in Ayurveda texts, practicing daily exercise according to one’s capacity, undergoing seasonal Panchakarma therapies and intake of suitable food according to one’s body type and regulated sleep will not only help to maintain the health of a sportsperson but improve his performance too. Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial in Sports injuries and it involves the administration of internal medicines, suitable diet and external therapies to alleviate pain, decrease disability, improve function of affected part and strengthen the body.Internal herbal supplements, which are health promoting, rejuvenating and strengthening the body are beneficial to improve physical strength of an athlete. Also many external therap


The Ayurvedic concept of mind is both broad and illuminating. A peculiarity is that is in contrast to the nature of the physical constitution (deha prakrti), the mental nature (manas prakrti) can be altered through action / procedure that alters the original or imbibes new qualities in an entity. Innumerable variations of manasik prakruti are possible because of the countless permutations and combinations of the proportionate influence of the sattva-raja-tama, at the time of conception. However, depending on the major contributing factor, the manasik prakruti is classified as sattvik prakruti, rajasik prakruti and tamasik prakruti. These are further classified into various subtypes. Though it is difficult to accurately assess one’s manasik prakruti, the following guidelines are handy. The ‘Sattvika’ types are clean in character, have tremendous self-control, always live by their word and have sharing nature. They are end