The food we eat is the source of energy of our body, but today world is growing fast and as the diseases. Gluten, one of the major part of our diet has become allergic to some individuals. They need everything Gluten free. Preparing meals and making food selections will mean radical changes in a life style. Gluten intolerance can develop at any age. If it is not hereditary, then do not worry; with Ayurveda you can still eat a variety of glutinous grains as part of a varied, crazy – delicious diet. Avoidance of gluten - containing foods is the only treatment of gluten intolerance in modern medicine. As per Ayurveda gluten intolerance can be correlated with the concept that formation of Ama (undigested residue) due to deranged Agni (Digestive fire). Intake of incompatible food, untimely food, faulty diet habits derange the Agni (Digestive fire). This Agni thus deranged becomes unable to digest even the light food and the food being undigested gets toxic leading to form...