Successful Menopausal Management Through Ayurveda

Unnecessary stress & worries, sudden change of emotions & reactions occurring during menopause making the lady wonder “Why are these happening to me?” Most times the family members & colleagues become victim of her anger outburst. Menopause is caused due to the aggravation of Vata as we age causing gradual depletion of tissues. It is actually a transition phase from Pitta to Vata affecting the women physically & mentally. Ayurveda states that menopause occurs after the age of 50 years, however due to fast paced lifestyle in the present era, it occurs as early as 40 years, indicating early ageing. Menopause not only affects the lady but also her family. 

During peri-menopause, the ovaries send signal to the brain demanding more oestrogen and the nervous system gets stressed & overdrives thus leading to misunderstanding / disrupted coordination between the body & mind thereby causing physical & mental changes like hot flushes, dryness in vagina, weight gain, mood swings, depression, etc. . This is the reason for significant changes in both the body & mind – like weight gain, dryness in vagina, hot flushes, mood swings, depression, etc. Menopause is distressing not only for the lady but also for her family. Sudden fist of anger or irritation is released on the husband or kids affecting the balanced / happy atmosphere at home. Also emotional imbalance is seen, firstly because there is no more possibility of childbirth & secondly because most times the menopausal age is when the kids leave home to study at the university or the lady is in the phase of retirement, adding to more emotional distress. Equilibrium at workplace is also affected causing misunderstanding or irritation with colleagues or loss of confidence. 

Managing Menopause

1. Panchakarma therapies - Abhyanga (Therapeutic Massage), Shirodhara (Third eye treatment), Nasya (Nasal medication) balance Vata dosha & has a positive effect on the mind. 
2. Exercise – Simple exercise like yoga, meditation, Pranayama increase positivity in the mind, improve stress tolerance & acceptance to the changes occurring during menopause. 
3. Relaxation – It is important to disconnect yourself with work or other activities at the end of the day, especially on the weekends and spend time close to nature, go for walking or trekking, visit your friends or relatives. 
4. Recreation – Cultivate hobbies or rekindle your passions. In your free time learn new interesting things. 
5. Lifestyle – Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, smoking, spicy food, cold food & drinks, irregular & untimely sleep, sedentary lifestyle, indulging in negative thinking, overdoing things, isolating yourself from others around you. Eat timely meals, preferably freshly prepared, include more vegetarian meals, keep yourself busy and do regular exercise.
6. Sleep – Go to bed before 11 pm and sleep for 7 – 8 hours at night. Avoid staying awake late at night as it causes stress and accelerates emotional problems. 
7. Herbs – Herbs having cooling property & are sweet & bitter in taste is beneficial. Herbs like Shatavari, Yashtimadhu, Brahmi, Mandukaparni are helpful. 
8. Diet – Food not only nourishes our body but our mind too. Refrain from stimulants and food that cause hyperactivity of the mind like caffeinated drinks, chocolate, refined sugar, carbonated drinks, fried food, salty & spicy food, deep fried food items, raw onion, raw garlic, mustard, meat, cheese. Include more vegetarian food, soy products, milk, ghee, coconut oil, yoghurt, fennel, asparagus, coriander, cardamom, fresh fruits & cooked vegetables, sesame seeds. 

Instead of fighting the irreversible change that is occurring, do accept it & follow the above advises which will help to maintain equilibrium of the body & mind and help in successful menopausal management. 


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