Did you know stress is really important for life?

Now a day’s stress has become a popular word and almost every day we can hear many people around us say that they are under stress or it was a stressful day. So they try to mask the feeling of stress or overcome stress with alcohol, smoking, drugs, sugar without knowing that they only contribute to stress & anxiety. Water is a nectar for people who are thirsty or dehydrated but the same water in the form of deadliest flood can kill a person. Stress is just like water, well within limits it actually boosts us to achieve something in life, but when it goes beyond limit, it causes anxiety & other diseases affecting the quality of life. At some point of time, have you ever realized life would be boring without stress? Actually, we enjoy or have fun working under a certain amount of stress (known as Eustress), only when this limit exceeds, we become distressed. Eg. When we are going to get married, we experience eustress, but when we are undergoing divorce it is distress....