
Ayurveda and Breast Feeding

In the mother breast milk is produced by R asa Dhatu. Rasa dhatu  is the first of the seven tissues produced after proper digestion and assimilation of the food. According to  Charaka Samhita , the most authentic textbook of Ayurveda, breast milk provides vitality and increases  ojas , which is responsible for immunity and growth of the baby. It nourishes the child physically and emotionally, and is easy to digest. Breast-milk is directly influenced by the food we eat.   Factors promoting secretion of breast milk  Love and affection for the baby are essential for secretion of the breast milk. Hence, looking at, handling, carrying the baby promotes secretion of milk. Sucking by the baby is the most important stimulus for the secretion of breast milk. Happy state of mind and adequate rest and sleep are important for increasing breast milk supply. Nutritious diet with predominantly sweet and salty taste and having soothing effects on the bod...

Sutika Paricharya – Postnatal Care in Ayurveda

Postnatal period is filled with happiness & contentment on one hand and with physical & mental fatigue due to delivery on the other hand as the lady has become weak or emaciated after loss of blood and body fluid during delivery. Acharya Kashyapa narrating stage of labor says that her one foot is situated in this loka and other in Yamaloka. The lady after such a difficult process of delivery is advised suitable regimen to regain the lost vitality and helps her body to revert back to pre- pregnant state. This is explained as Sutika Paricharya in Ayurveda. The duration of ‘Sutikakala’ is usually 1½ months (45 days) after delivery. So postnatal care with regulated diet and mode of life should be followed during this period. Puerperal woman should be given powdered pippali, pippalimoola, cavya, chitraka, sunthi with ghee / warm jaggery water for 2 – 3 days till lochia rubra (abnormal blood) is properly excreted. From 3 rd to 7 th day, – Vidarigandha group (vidari, go...

Garbhini Paricharya - Antenatal Care in Ayurveda

Garbhini Paricharya or antenatal care is an important aspect in Prasooti Tantra (Ayurvedic Obstetrics), as it will help in the proper development of the foetus, its delivery, the health of the mother, facilitate easy delivery and healthy postpartum period. The care of the pregnant woman reflects on the quality and health of the offspring. Garbhini Paricharya explains in detail about the month wise dietary regimen and prescriptions (Maasaanumasika Pathya), substances that are beneficial to pregnancy (Garbhasthaapaka dravyaas) and activities and substances that are harmful (Garbhopaghaathakara Bhaavas). Various foods and activities that are prescribed and proscribed, according to their effects on the Garbha (Foetus) are also explained.    As there is a constant development of the embryo there would also be difference in its requirements of food and nutrition. Thus a detailed month wise dietary regimen for the pregnant lady with a list of things that are prescribed...

Care During Preconception and Pregnancy - Ayurvedic View

Charaka Samhita states ‘Evamkurvati hi arogya-bala-varna-samvahana-sampadamupetamjnatinamshreshtamapatyamjanayati’. If a pregnant woman is taken care of as advised, she will give birth to a child who does not have any diseases - a healthy, physically strong, radiant and well nourished baby. Advice on Preconception Just as a healthy seed bears healthy fruit, if the parent’s sperm and ovum are healthy then the child is more likely to inherit a healthy gene and immunity. Conversely if parents conceive when mentally or physically weak this may impact negatively on the child’s condition. Ayurveda suggests parents observe a preconception regime called Vajikarana. The aim of Vajikarana is to enable a couple to produce healthy offspring. About six months before conception an Ayurveda physician prescribes a personalized purification and rejuvenation regime for the couple to ensure optimal ovum and sperm quality and quantity. For a couple to produce healthy offspring...


Clearing of bowels is a step towards good health. There is a feeling of being uncomfortable and routine work is hampered when the bowels of a person are not cleared. Though the disease of constipation has not been discussed separately in Ayurvedic texts, its occurrence as a symptom of various diseases and ways to tackle it has been described. Constipation is mentioned in Ayurvedic texts by the name of Vibandha meaning obstructing or binding of stool. Vibandha occurs when something is wrong somewhere in our food habits. Ayurveda internal medicines along with changes in diet and lifestyle help relieve constipation.    Simple tips to relieve and prevent constipation One should increase water intake. Drink small sips of water, preferably warm water at frequent intervals.     Take fiber rich diet. Diet should compose mainly of freshly cooked vegetables, soups and fresh fruits. Cereals such as ba...